Tuesday 22 September 2009

Renovating property & Generating jobs with Cadwyn

Integrate member Cadwyn have just secured three new apprenticeships through their WHQS works at Princes and James Howel Court. On visiting the site very recently I found a hive of activity throughout.

In one flat were Hanif Yagoob and Lewis Dite(pictured) two of Cadwyns new carpentry apprentices who have been employed in partnership with Willis Construction. They've been thrown in at the deep end, starting college in Dumballs Road on Monday and then their first on site experience on Thursday. Thankfully both still show the same great enthusiasm which made them the successful candidates at interview. Hanif has ambitions to be MD of his own property development firm very soon...watch this space.

I also caught up with Jonothan Pahl, the electrical apprentice employed in partnership with A Payne Electrical and Data Services. He was so keen to get on with the job I barely got him to stand still long enough to take his picture. I keep using the word but it's such a buzz to see such enthusiasm from all the partners involved as well as the apprentices. Marc Payne(not surprisingly from A Payne Electrical) said, "We already encourage the employment of apprentices and are glad to be able to create new opportunities for people within Cadwyns communities."

Integrates aim to maximise the opportunities for jobs and training through its procurement is going full steam ahead. You can see from the apprentices that this is an initiative that's a Win Win all the way. Either that or Glyn from Willis Construction is hiding in the background telling a good joke.
Clare Watkins
Integrate Targeted Recruitment and Training

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