Monday 7 December 2009

Chartered Institute of Housing Awards Nov 2009

CIH Awards – Friday 27th 2009.

An eventful night for Consortia members.

It was a night of finery at the glamorous and prestigious CIH awards at Holland House Hotel, Cardiff.

For the first time Integrate Consortia sponsored an award for the “Most Community Focussed Contractor” which aims to recognise the work contractors do in the delivery of targeted recruitment and training and community benefits.

The award was won by G Purchase Construction for their contribution towards employment and training initiatives. Detailed below is a brief summary:

G. Purchase Construction Ltd is working closely with its partners and stakeholders in North Wales to target employment opportunities at people from within the communities it serves. The company has approached the challenge in a number of different ways:
• Adopting a multi-agency approach, engaging with Jobcentre Plus, Working Links (no longer operating), Communities First and others,
• Targetting our Clients Customers through mailshot letters followed up with Job Fairs to discuss job opportunities in more detail and enable Customers to meet our Team,
• Holding ‘Meet the Buyer’ events to encourage existing local companies and sole traders to work with us to deliver the programmes,
• Supporting our supply chain by entering into long-term agreements thereby giving them the opportunity to increase their workforce.
G. Purchase Construction Ltd is delighted to have received the Award for Most Community Focussed Contractor at the CIH Welsh Housing Awards 2009. The company believes that the recognition it has received for its commitment to local communities, training and employment will serve as a beacon for other organisations that seek to repeat the company’s success.

In addition the Consortia members who were also recognised for their contribution were :

Empowering and Involving Communities (sponsor PSS Consulting)
- Taff Housing Association: BME Housing Project

Housing Hero (sponsor Leadbitter Group)
- Valleys to Coast Housing: Jason King, Gareth Weston and Melvin Williams

Developing and Regenerating Communities (sponsor WAG aka Pat Lewis)
- United Welsh Housing Association: Bargoed Regeneration Project

I am sure you will agree that the award ceremony is a place where all outstanding achievements can be recognised for their valued contribution to our work within Housing. Well done everyone.

Monday 19 October 2009

SMILE Everyone!

As a PS to my previous article about the great things happening Cadwyn..

Captured here is the moment everyone involved in Cadwyns appointment of three apprentices through its WHQS works got together to say Cheese. Those eagle eyed of you will probably spot the fact that there are only two apprentices in the picture but not everyone likes a photo opportunity. Pictured from left to right are:

Jessica Davies from Construction Skills who sourced the candidates for interview, Glyn Grey from Willis Construction, Michelle Smith of Integrate Consortium, Helen Williams from HR at Cadwyn, Greg Stewart from the maintenece department, Johnathon Pahl the apprentice in partnership with APayne Electrical, Marc Payne of APayne,Lewis Dite the apprentice with Willis Construction, Simon Fry of development and finally Ceriann Goddard a Cadwyn Board member.

A great deal of collaboration and partership working goes into providing and maintaining these opportunities and it's good to know how it really does put a smile on everyones face.

I have also just heard, hot off the press that we have yet another young person joining Cadwyns Maintenence team for work experience. I will fill you in on the details very soon but what I do know is that he has sought out this opportunity through word of mouth. Maybe he saw our Blog!

Clare Watkins

Tuesday 22 September 2009

May the (Heat)Force be with you

A few weeks ago I told you all about the new apprentices, Gemma and Kate starting at Heatforce Plumbing and Bathrooms. I'm glad to say everything is going very well.

They turned up so early on their first day their mentor Tony was thinking of giving them the office keys to open up the next day. I've spoken to them both a few times since they've started their apprenticeships, they're very happy with the mix of their day training at college then out on site at Taff and United Welsh properties. Kate told me "I get ribbed the same as everyone on site, I feel right at home already. I've also been surprised at how much hands on work both Gemma and I have had right from day 1"

The picture above was taken at about 8.00am one day last week for Heatforce and Construction Youth Trust, some of us don't exactly look our best at that time but Gemma and Kate(5th and 6th from left) have normally been on site an hour by then. Everyone joined in wearing the now legendary Pink Ladies hard hats and Hi Viz. At least it will give you a laugh.

Clare Watkins

Integrate Targetrd Recruitment and Training

Renovating property & Generating jobs with Cadwyn

Integrate member Cadwyn have just secured three new apprenticeships through their WHQS works at Princes and James Howel Court. On visiting the site very recently I found a hive of activity throughout.

In one flat were Hanif Yagoob and Lewis Dite(pictured) two of Cadwyns new carpentry apprentices who have been employed in partnership with Willis Construction. They've been thrown in at the deep end, starting college in Dumballs Road on Monday and then their first on site experience on Thursday. Thankfully both still show the same great enthusiasm which made them the successful candidates at interview. Hanif has ambitions to be MD of his own property development firm very this space.

I also caught up with Jonothan Pahl, the electrical apprentice employed in partnership with A Payne Electrical and Data Services. He was so keen to get on with the job I barely got him to stand still long enough to take his picture. I keep using the word but it's such a buzz to see such enthusiasm from all the partners involved as well as the apprentices. Marc Payne(not surprisingly from A Payne Electrical) said, "We already encourage the employment of apprentices and are glad to be able to create new opportunities for people within Cadwyns communities."

Integrates aim to maximise the opportunities for jobs and training through its procurement is going full steam ahead. You can see from the apprentices that this is an initiative that's a Win Win all the way. Either that or Glyn from Willis Construction is hiding in the background telling a good joke.
Clare Watkins
Integrate Targeted Recruitment and Training

Wednesday 29 July 2009

Work placement opportunity anyone?

Howdens joinery in partership with Integrate are offering work placement opportunities in their stores and offices in Cardiff.

Howdens are supplying kitchens for the Integrate WHQS works being undertaken over the next three years. Anyone interested in gaining valuable work experience, whether it be a day or two a week, full time or a one off GET IN TOUCH.

There is also the chance for your community group to collect off cuts such as wood and worktops which can't be used by Howdens for use in projects you may be working on.

For more information on either of these opportubities please call Clare Watkins on 02920 858182 or

Monday 20 July 2009

Water Great Project!

Here at Integrate we are very proud to announce we have just taken on two female apprentice plumber/gas fitters in partnership with Heatforce Heating and Bathrooms.

United Welsh and Taff Housing(members of Integrate Consortium) have a strong ongoing relationship with Heatforce and through their extensive programme for new boilers and bathrooms have created the opportunity for these two new apprenticeships.

The video below shows Janet Bochel of Taff Housing giving us an outline of the project plus interviews with our partners at Heatforce(Paul Maddox) and Construction Youth Trust(CYT). Lisa Nelmes of CYT made our jobs very difficult by providing fantastic candidates and giving them interview coaching and help with their CV's before their big moment.

Gemma one of our successful candidates tells us of her experience at the end of the video, her smile couldn't be broader. Gemma and our other apprentice Kate are both very excited about this opportunity and can't wait to start.

The sometimes wobbly footage was taken by me, Clare Watkins, I will be supporting Gemma and Kate throughout their experience and keeping you in touch with their progress.

We wish them both the best of luck.

Wednesday 3 June 2009

Integrate Targeted Recruitment and Traing Project

Integrate Consortia have been successful in securing funding for 3 years from Social Housing Management Grant and match funding from Integrate and partner agencies such as JobMatch to deliver Targeted Recruitment and Training (TR&T) within the procurement process for all 9 Housing Association members.
Pictured here from the left
Carol Rees-Spear -Integrate Consortium Officer
Michelle Smith - TR & T Manager
Ian Layzell - Integrate Consortium Director
This project will aim to secure local employment and training within our new development, maintainance, and WHQS programmes using Social Inclusion Clauses as a core requirement of each contract. The project will be overseen by a project steering group with representives from each member housing association.
Given the scale of Integrate's investment within our programe of works we are hoping to have a big impact in our communities where they can benefit from local employment and training opportunities as a direct result of our contracts and investment.

Integrate Consortia Targeted Recruitment & Training Project